I think this capter was written in a very hard way, for me, am I the only one how had problems to understand it?
What for example happend with the poor cow?
But I also think that this capter was very interesting because Alex meets his dad for the first time. He was very nervous when he saw him standing in the crowd,
tell me, how would you feel in his situation? And what would you think will happen in the next capter? How would their relationship be!?
I'm looking forward on reading because I want to know, how Tom is like....
5 Kommentare:
If there're really some things you haven't understand I can help you, for example if you write to any of my posts some questions I can will answer them in a intelligible way.
( I don't think that you really want to know what happend to this cow, something extremly brutal..)
Back to your text: Asking us for our opinion is a fact, that pleased me reading your text, but unfortunately there're to many question especially because there're only 2 sentences descrbing something about opinion. By such a short explaination of your feelings, you should better pick an other word like interesting, what's about curious, cynical, thoughtless, insame, indiffeerent by and so on...
At the next time you could read the text two times to understand it or you ask someone because that's decisively the reason why your text is so short.
Please don't take it personal because of so many negative facts. I will be pleased reading your next text. ;)
Oh my god! I felt so sorry! I've forgot that it was our task writing three questions down! SORRY!! PLEASE EXCUSE !!
I FELL stupid :(
Hey alina!
Do you mean the litte cow, whose mother has died?
1. I think that I would be happy, because he came to my concert, to see how good I play. I also think that I would be a little bit nervouse because I don't konw if he will likes me or not.
But I believe that I would be unsafe too.
2. I would like it, if they did a lot of thinks together so that they get to know each other better.
3. I imagine, at first the relationship between Alex and Tom will be rather tense but after they talked togehter I am sure they will like each other!
hi Alina,
I cannot imegine how I would feel in the situation, becouse it is unbelieveble to me to be without a father.
But to have an answer for your question: I think I would act excacly like Alex. I couln't concentrate on other things. I would only have my father in my brain.
I think Alex will have a little disagreement with his father, maybe not to show his feelings about the situation.
Both will be differentiated of each other and they will get to know each other very slowly.
Not to forget that there is Dani. Alex don't want to disapoint her. He wants to look strong <- strong with his feelings and so on.
I think I would be very very nervous and happy, because then I see my real father which I didn't see for a very long time. And in my opinion i would be unsure too, because I don`t know if he like me, or the musik I play or if the relationship between us will be good.
in my opinion in the next chapter they will take together, because I tink that both have a lot of questions to each other. Also i think they will have a very neutral relationship.
hey Alina.. I think that your questions were very good. And you asked many different questions. well done. Sophie <3
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