You shoild read the book "The Austrailian Connection" because it is a very interessting story about a boy whos dad left his family. I think this story shows the feeling of children who have to grow up without a father or a mother. Many children have this destiny so it is good for other people to know how they feel.
The story is also about the life as a popstar, you get to know how it is when a band is very successesful but that the successes is away after a very short time....
2 Kommentare:
hey Alina,
if you ask me, I would say, I agree with you, you discribed the content of the book clearly and u wrote the most important facts.
At last, I wanted to ask you,... were there any bad aspects... do you like the Australian Connection? Please write your answer to by blog as a comment.
I await your criticism!
<3 U, prillii
I'd go along with your opinion because you describe the book clearly and short. It makes people which didn't read this story curios for more and - you're right - tells about the life without parents or just one adult.
On the one hand it's very fine that you liked reading "The Australian Connection" but on the other hand there are some points to critize: How would you feel about having just a mother? Do you agree when the text is whriten a little bit too easy to me? What's your opinion about a father that left his family alone just "to have fun"?
Just think about it. ö-ö
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